
Most (but not all) of the embassies in Athens are located along the sprawling Vassilissis Sofias Avenue and surrounding streets of Kolonaki and Evangelismos, as well as in the posh northern suburb of Psyhiko. Be sure to jot down your country's embassy number, lest you may need to call it.

Albania Vekiareli 7, Filothei,  (+30) 210 6876200 

Australia Kifisias 1-3, (+30) 210 8704000 

Austria Vas. Sofias 4, (+30) 210 7257270 

Belgium Sekeri 3, Kolonaki, (+30) 210 3617886 

Bulgaria Stratigou Kallari 33A, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6748106 

Canada Ioannou Gennadiou 4, (+30) 210 7273400 

Cyprus Herodotou 16, (+30) 210 3734800 

Czech Republic Seferi 6, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6719701 

Denmark Mourouzi 10 (+30) 210 7256440 

France Vas. Sofias 7, (+30) 210 3391000 

Germany Karaoli & Dimitriou 3, Kolonaki, (+30) 210 7285111  

Hungary Karneadou 25, Kolonaki, (+30) 210 7256800 

China Krinon 2A, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6723282 

Ireland Vas. Konstantinou 5-7, (+30) 210 7232771 

Israel Marathonodromon 1, Psyhiko,  (+30) 210 6705500

Italy Sekeri 2, Kolonaki, (+30) 210 3617260

Japan Ethnikis Antistaseos, (+30) 210 6709900 

Netherlands Vas. Konstantinou 5-7, (+30) 210 7254900 

Norway Vas. Sofias 23, (+30) 210 7246173 

Poland Chrysanthemon 22, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6797700 

Romania Em. Benaki 7, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6728875 

Russia Nikiforou Lytra 28, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6725235 

Serbia Vas. Sofias 106, (+30) 210 7774344 

Slovakia Georgiou Seferi 4, Psyhiko, (+30) 210 6771980 

South Africa Kifisias 60, Marousi, (+30) 210 6106645

Spain Dionysiou Areopagitou 21, (+30) 210 9213123

Sweden Vas. Konstantinou 7, (+30) 210 7266100 

Switzerland Iasiou 2, (+30) 210 7230364 

Turkey Vasileos Georgiou 8, (+30) 210 7263000 

UK Ploutarhou 1,  (+30) 210 7272600 

USA Vas. Sofias 91, (+30) 210 7212951

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