5 Routes to jog in the city

01 National Garden 

The National Garden (ex Royal Garden): The temperature is nearly 5°C lower than the rest of the city,  the vast area full of trees, lakes, flowers, is the ideal city running route. It is open from dusk until dawn and has 4 main entrances – Leoforos Amalias, Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Herodou Attikou Street, Zappeion. 

02 Imittos Mountain 

Breathtaking view of the city and Piraeus and peace of mind. You can access Imittos from Kaissariani. 

03 Syggrou Forest 

If you stay in Northern Athens, try Syggrou Forest, a quiet place where a lot of people walk their dogs off leash. It is open from sunrise to sunset each day. Its main entrance is located in Kifissias Avenue. 

04 Dionissiou

Aeropagitou Street 
For a run combined with sightseeing, and if you are fit enough for an uphill run, try DionissiouAeropagitou Street. You can run all the way up to the Acropolis, or continue straight toApostolou Pavlou street and end up in the famous neighbourhood of Thissio. 

05 Faliro 

For a run with a view to sea, try the coastline route. Take the tram towards Faliro, pick a stop that suits you and... start jogging

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