Hill: "The Parthenon sculptures will return to Greece"

The Parthenon sculptures will ultimately return to Greece, said David Hill, the President of the International Association for the Reunification of the Parthenon Sculptures, during a recent interview with the Greek service of Australia's SBS state radio station.
It has been many years ago since the modern campaign started by Melina Mercouri and now we are moving forward, he underlined.
“Britain has to respond to the UNESCO within the next six months and it is only after these period of six months and if Britain continues to say no, then Greece will see the legal options”, said Mr. Hill.
“I don't think there is any problem establishing that Elgin stole the marbles”, he stressed. “However, there has to be done a little more on that because the British Museum says that they did not steal them, they were given to them by the British government. Elgin had sold the sculptures to the British government 200 years ago”, added the President.
There is “a very high prospect, maybe 75 percent, that Greece will win if it proceeds with legal action”, he said. 

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