More Greeks travel abroad for Easter

Greeks’ travelling habits are shifting towards international destinations with all the more Greeks to be choosing to spend their Easter holidays abroad instead of the “horio”, according to a research conducted by online booking agent between January 1 and February 10. Rome and Corfu are on the top picks of Greek travellers for the upcoming Easter holidays, with London, Istanbul and Paris to complete their preference list.
Corfu comes 7th in Greeks’ choice destinations for Easter, while New York also claims its share featuring as of late into the Top 15 selections at No 12.
At the same time, the Italian travellers are showing an increased interest towards Greece for their holidays, with the Poles to follow, placing Greece 15th on their pick list, and the British, the Spanish and the Austrians to be also intrigued by a Greek destination.  
Germans seem to prefer Cyprus for their Easter trip, as do Serb, British and Greek holidaymakers.

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