SDOE investigations continue

The Greek Financial Crime Unit (SDOE) along with several tax inspectors investigating the list of names of Greek people with Swiss bank accounts in the so-called Lagarde List, are expected to announce results relating to at least 20 more names on the list in the coming weeks. As Kathimerini reports, checks have so far yielded approximately 12 million euros, while SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has recently announced that inspectors had only been able to check 500 out of the 2,062 names on the List. However, even if the inspection yields more than 2 billion euros, the money after taxation imposed will not surpass 800 million euros. Though the prosecutors in charge of the case have placed 35 inspectors in check of each person on the List, the process is lingering since the inspectors need about 3-4 months in order to fully check each file and even then there may be no proof of tax evasion.
The List was sent to the Greek Authorities in 2010.

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