Tsipras calls for action against proposed coastal bill

During a speech on Wednesday SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras called on opposition parties, independent MPs, labor unions and nongovernmental environmental groups, to unite on an implicit front in order to prevent the government from passing a revised version of its coastal bill through Parliament. Addressing to his audience, the leftist leader stressed that opposition to the revised bill should go with protest action, making reference to citizens’ groups opposing gold mining at Halkidki, and the waste management unit development at Keratea, eastern Attica. Tsipras strongly argued that, “if something sums up the politics of piracy at the country’s expense and in favor of the most opportunistic international capital, it is this bill”.

Though it is not yet clear when the coalition will bring the bill back to Parliament, Tsipras said he is sure it will be during the summer. 

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