Greek prisons heavily crowded

Greek prisons and holding facilities are facing a huge overpopulation problem according to figures released by the Greek Justice Minister Haralambos Athanasiou. 26 of the country’s 36 prisons are heavily crowded. In response to a question from two Democratic Left MPs in Parliament, Mr. Athanasiou informed that at Korydallos, the capital’s main prison, the number of inmates (2.270) is almost double the facility’s official capacity (1,070). The picture gets worse at border towns’ jails, where according to figures, Kos has 161 inmates when it should only hold 45, Komotini reaches 329 to 105 and at Ioannina the number is 205 to 80. Justice Minister released the figures on Wednesday as Deputy Finance Minister, Christos Staikouras, approved the release of government funds for a one-year pilot program of electronic tagging of prisoners.

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