Slight seasonal drop in unemployement

Employment in Greece had shown a 1,311 jobs rise on August, however the increase was more of a seasonal demand. According to figures from the Labour Ministry’s Ergani database released on Monday, fruit packagers posted the highest positive balance, of 3,958 jobs, after factoring in 6,649 hirings and 2,691 layoffs, followed by teaching staff at private tuition schools with a 1,055 jobs balance, and cleaners coming next with a 1,030 jobs balance, reports “Kathimerini”.     
The sectors demonstrating the highest number in hirings were wholesale commerce, with 3,891 new jobs and education with 3,421. Specialized construction created 372 new jobs. Unqualified workers rose by 716 and bus and truck drivers by 675.
The net increase in employment last month applied mostly for women, as out of the total of 1,311 new jobs, 1,037 concerned women and 274 men. As to the age factor, the biggest increase in employment last month was observed between the ages of 45-to-64, with 3,217 new jobs, while the 30-44 age group was recorded increased by 1,811. On the contrast, the largest negative balance was observed in the group of workers up to the age of 24 (-2,926) and in the age group of the 25-to-29 (-806 jobs). According to Ergani’s data, within the first eight months of the year, 190,883 jobs were created over against the 102,580 created in the same period in 2013.

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